30 July 2008

It Really Does Take A Village

Edutopia frequently has great food for thought. Today, they posted an article about the Greeneville City School's (TN) efforts to bridge the Digital Divide and get computer and internet access to all of their students. "At Home with HomeLink: Free Internet Access Connects Families and Schools" describes how a small town managed to get every kid connected and even provides some tips for other schools and districts who want to do the same. What's interesting is that the Greeneville schools are able to offer all of the bells and whistles at very low cost to the school system. They use free services like Gaggle and Moodle and get donations from the community for computers and internet services. It seems that where there's a will, there's a way.

I wonder what happens to so many other districts in our country that have wonderful ideas like these, but they fail to bring the plan to fruition. Why does that happen?

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